Reduced price! Don-Jo 1590 1590-626 Elbow Catch View larger

Don-Jo Mfg., Inc.

Don-Jo 1590 1590-626 Elbow Catch


Satin Chrome
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Details: Don-Jo 1590 1590-626 Elbow Catch

DonJo 1590 Elbow Catch

For more than a decade, DON-JO MFG., INC. has provided reliable, high quality products to the locksmith industry and architectural industry. Our goal in new product development has always been to provide innovative products that will help improve the level of service and options in the ever-changing door and lock market. Today, nobody offers a wider range of products reflecting this market; such as Wrap-Arounds, Remodeler Plates, Replacement Strikes, Latch Protectors, Security Strikes, Filler Plates, Scar Plates, Door Stops, Door Pulls, and Push, Pull and Kick Plates. Don-Jo 1590 Template

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

1590-605 Polished Brass
1590-625 Bright Chrome
1590-626 Satin Chrome


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Don-Jo 1590 1590-626 Elbow Catch

Don-Jo 1590 1590-626 Elbow Catch

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