Imperial KK0307 Sodium Silicate Firebrick Refractory Cement, 64-oz. View larger


Imperial KK0307 Sodium Silicate Firebrick Refractory Cement, 64-oz.


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Details: Imperial KK0307 Sodium Silicate Firebrick Refractory Cement, 64-oz.

Clean all dirt, rust and foreign matter away from the surface to be cemented. Dampen the area lightly with water prior to applying cement. Trowel Refractory Cement to a thickness not exceeding 1/8 in. Clean up spills immediately with water after use. Allow at least 24 hours for air-drying, then apply heat gradually when first starting fire. Not for exterior use.


  • Ready-to-use, fast drying and spreads easily.
  • For setting and repairing firebricks.
  • Excellent bonding strength to masonry.
  • Durable as firebrick when heat cured.
  • Resists temperatures up to 1093 Degree C (2000 Degree F).


  • Use in fireplaces, wood burning stoves, furnaces and incinerators. Ideal for setting and bonding firebrick in firebox chambers. Can be used to seal air and gas leaks around doors.



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Imperial KK0307 Sodium Silicate Firebrick Refractory Cement, 64-oz.

Imperial KK0307 Sodium Silicate Firebrick Refractory Cement, 64-oz.

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