Salsbury 3316R-SAN-U Regency Decorative CBU


16 A Size
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Details: Salsbury 3316R-SAN-U Regency Decorative CBU

Private Access Regency Decorative Cluster Boxes manufactured by Salsbury Industries offer a secure means of receiving mail and packages' They are designed with elegance in mind, and are ideal for communities that do not use the United States Postal Service to deliver mail' The 3300 Regency Series includes a private access CBU that includes a matching pedestal, a decorative top and an attractive pedestal cover' Our Regency Cluster Mailboxes are an excellent choice for durability because they are constructed of heavy-duty aluminum and stainless steel' See the additional features of our Regency CBU

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

3313R-BRZ-U Bronze, 13 B Size, IV
3313R-GRN-U Green, 13 B Size, IV
3313R-SAN-U Sandstone, 13 B Size, IV
3313R-WHT-U White, 13 B Size, IV
3316R-BLK-U Black, 16 A Size, III
3316R-BRZ-U Bronze, 16 A Size, III
3316R-GRN-U Green, 16 A Size, III
3316R-SAN-U Sandstone, 16 A Size, III
3316R-WHT-U White, 16 A Size, III
3305R-BLK-U Black, 4 C Size, V
3305R-BRZ-U Bronze, 4 C Size, V
3305R-GRN-U Green, 4 C Size, V
3305R-SAN-U Sandstone, 4 C Size, V
3305R-WHT-U White, 4 C Size, V
3306R-BLK-U Black, 8 A Size, VI

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Salsbury 3316R-SAN-U Regency Decorative CBU

Salsbury 3316R-SAN-U Regency Decorative CBU