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496-01 LED Flashing Eraseable Message Board with Acrylic Writing Panel and Stand


9" x 12"
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Details: 496-01 LED Flashing Eraseable Message Board with Acrylic Writing Panel and Stand


  • Make your own neon signs with flashing LED and florescent colors for dynamic effect
  • Best used for menu specials, announcements at presentations, or outdoor advertising with 28 different flashing styles
  • Can be used as a standing or hanging sign
  • Use right out of the box, write on and wipe off as desired
  • Includes Hanging chain, aluminum frame, 2 color markers, power adapter, erasing towel, and user manual

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

Model/SKU Attributes
496-01 9" x 12"
496-02 12" X 16"


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 496-01 LED Flashing Eraseable Message Board with Acrylic Writing Panel and Stand

496-01 LED Flashing Eraseable Message Board with Acrylic Writing Panel and Stand

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