Deltana PDB42 PDB42U3-UNL Pocket Door Bolt, Jamb bolt


Unlacquered Brass
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Details: Deltana PDB42 PDB42U3-UNL Pocket Door Bolt, Jamb bolt

Solid brass jamb bolt mounts on the jamb side of a pocket door. The bolt works like a rocker switch, sticking out when engaged to prevent the door from returning to its pocket. Can be disengaged in an emergency. Package includes bolt, two screws, strike plate, and safety hole release protector.

Product Details

Box Qty
40 Pc
Case Qty
400 Pc
Packed W/ 2 Screws, Bite Strike Plate & Safety Hole Release Protector.

Product Downloads

Deltana Pocket Door Bolt Instructions - PDB42

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

PDB42U3 Polished Brass
PDB42U3-UNL Unlacquered Brass
PDB42U5 Antique Brass
PDB42U10B Oil Rubbed Bronze
PDB42U4 Brushed Brass
PDB42U14 Polished Nickel
PDB42U15A Antique Nickel
PDB42U26D Brushed Chrome


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Deltana PDB42 PDB42U3-UNL Pocket Door Bolt, Jamb bolt

Deltana PDB42 PDB42U3-UNL Pocket Door Bolt, Jamb bolt

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