Gado Gado GADO-HBA4016 HBA4010 Rectangular Bail with Cropped Corners


Small Rectangle
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Details: Gado Gado GADO-HBA4016 HBA4010 Rectangular Bail with Cropped Corners

Length: 1/2 in Height: 1 1/2 in Width: 3

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

GADO-HBA4010 Small Square
GADO-HBA4016 Small Rectangle
GADO-HBA4018 Large Square
GADO-HBA4020 Large Rectangle


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Gado Gado GADO-HBA4016 HBA4010 Rectangular Bail with Cropped Corners

Gado Gado GADO-HBA4016 HBA4010 Rectangular Bail with Cropped Corners

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