ALP405-10-BLA Willow High Speed Commercial Hand Dryer, 120V


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Details: ALP405-10-BLA Willow High Speed Commercial Hand Dryer, 120V

The Alpine Industries Willow Hand Dryer is a high speed automatic hand dryer with a unique design offering a blue light for hand drying efficiency, HEPA filter to clean bacteria from intake air, and is even equipped with a heat and speed control. With a less than 4 inch depth, this hand dryer is ADA compliant without the need of a recess kit, and with a powerful 25000RPM motor, the Willow model will dry your hands in 10 seconds, faster than many comparable high speed hand dryers and excellent for high traffic bathroom areas. Saving thousands of dollars per year in paper towels and electricity, the Willow hand dryer is also equipped with a plug-in option for quick and easy installation. Hand dryer automatically activates when hands are placed beneath the sensor and stops when they are removed. Also features auto-stop function if hands are not removed after 63 seconds.


  • Less than 4? depth

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

ALP405-10-WHI White
ALP405-10-SSB Stainless Steel
ALP405-10-GRY Grey
ALP405-10-CHR Chrome
ALP405-10-BLA Black


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 ALP405-10-BLA Willow High Speed Commercial Hand Dryer, 120V

ALP405-10-BLA Willow High Speed Commercial Hand Dryer, 120V

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