ALP478-4-GRN 23 Recycling Slim Trash Can Paper Lid


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Details: ALP478-4-GRN 23 Recycling Slim Trash Can Paper Lid

The Alpine Recycling Slim Trash Can Paper Lid?was?created for high-traffic areas with limited space but can be utilized in any environment. It can be used for offices, kitchens, restaurants, cafeterias, daycare facilities, your home kitchen, or even a garage. If you are tight on space, the slim design allows you to hold a substantial amount of waste while not compromising valuable space. Each receptacle comes with a paper recycling lid indicating to anyone what type of waste goes into each receptacle. The paper recycling lid?helps?keep unsightly trash hidden while helping reduce your carbon footprint. It is easy to clean and maintain, as well as withstanding daily wear and tear. Our receptacles are a vibrant lime green hue which makes them easily visible, ensuring everyone is alerted to where to discard their waste. An added benefit is with the help of our Alpine Dolly; you connect several of the Slim Trash Cans, making waste removal quick and easy while reducing worker strain. Our Slim Trash Can with Paper Recycling Lid is?a product you can are guaranteed to have for many years.??


  • Assembly: No assembly required
  • Manageable: Can be easily cleaned and sanitized
  • Durable: Able to handle daily use without dulling or cracking
  • Small Spaces: Ideal for offices, kitchens, restaurants, or areas with limited space
  • Waste Removal: Can be utilized with our Alpine Dolly to connect multiple trash cans together for easy disposal.


.75 lbs.?
2.9" H x 22" W x 12" D??

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

ALP478-4-GRN Green
ALP478-4-BLU Blue


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 ALP478-4-GRN 23 Recycling Slim Trash Can Paper Lid

ALP478-4-GRN 23 Recycling Slim Trash Can Paper Lid

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