Copper Creek AL915010B AL91 Avery Escutcheon Trim with Mortise Cylinder


Oxidized Satin Bronze
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Details: Copper Creek AL915010B AL91 Avery Escutcheon Trim with Mortise Cylinder

Bulldog Escutcheon exterior trims for panic exits combine excellent durability and strength with extreme value. These exterior Trims are manufactured to the highest standards using the finest materials available. These exterior trims are designed for high traffic areas will fit all BULDOG rim and vertical rod panic exit devices.

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

AL914010B Oxidized Satin Bronze
AL915010B Oxidized Satin Bronze,
AL9190SS Dummy,
AL919010B Dummy, Oxidized Satin Bronze


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Copper Creek AL915010B AL91 Avery Escutcheon Trim with Mortise Cylinder

Copper Creek AL915010B AL91 Avery Escutcheon Trim with Mortise Cylinder

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