Reduced price! Don-Jo SP-135 SP-135-612 Scar Plate View larger

Don-Jo Mfg., Inc.

Don-Jo SP-135 SP-135-612 Scar Plate


Satin Bronze
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40% Off



Details: Don-Jo SP-135 SP-135-612 Scar Plate

Scar Plate To Convert A 2⅜" Door To 2¾"

Scar Plates are used to allow a smaller lock or handle to be installed on a larger hole.

For more than a decade, Don-Jo MFG., Inc. has provided reliable, high quality products to the locksmith industry and architectural industry. Their goal in new product development has always been to provide innovative products that will help improve the level of service and options in the ever-changing door and lock market. Today, nobody offers a wider range of products reflecting this market. Their modern manufacturing facility houses state-of-the-art equipment which allows Don-Jo to maintain stringent quality standards and to develop new products for the future. In today's ever-changing door and lock security market Don-Jo commits themselves to a program of continuous improvement.


  • Fits Under Rose of Keyed Entry Handles or Deadbolt Locks
  • 3½" Outer Diameter

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

SP-135-605 Polished Brass
SP-135-609 Antique Brass
SP-135-612 Satin Bronze
SP-135-630 Satin Stainless Steel
SP-135-DU Duronatic Brown Coated


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Don-Jo SP-135 SP-135-612 Scar Plate

Don-Jo SP-135 SP-135-612 Scar Plate

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