Imperial KK028 Hi-Temp Stove/Furnace Cement, Gray

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Details: Imperial KK028 Hi-Temp Stove/Furnace Cement, Gray

Clear all dirt, rust and debris from the surface to be cemented. Lightly dampen the surface area with water. Stir the cement. Add a small amount of water if it is too thick to spread. Apply cement evenly with a damp trowel. Clean up spills immediately after use. Air dry for 24 hours then heat gradually when first starting fire. Must be heat cured. Not for exterior use.


  • Heavy-bodied high temperature stove and furnace cement spreads easily.
  • Non-asbestos.
  • Bonds and seals metal to metal and metal to masonry joints under 1/8 in.
  • Durable as firebrick when heat cured.
  • Resists temperatures up to 1482 Degree C (2700 Degree F).


  • The hi-temp stove and furnace cement is used for repairing wood or coal stoves, furnaces, fireplaces, and flues. It can also be used to fill gaps between masonry and metal. Its grey color seamlessly blends with most applications, particularly for sealing metal-to-metal and metal-to-masonry joints. Furthermore, it prevents air and gas leaks in flue and chimney joints and meets or exceeds the ASTM C 199 Pier test standards.



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Imperial KK028 Hi-Temp Stove/Furnace Cement, Gray

Imperial KK028 Hi-Temp Stove/Furnace Cement, Gray

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