Kingston Brass KS396NL Widespread Bathroom Faucets


Oil Rubbed Bronze
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Details: Kingston Brass KS396NL Widespread Bathroom Faucets

This faucet exemplifies sophisticated grace and beauty while offering top-of-the-line endurance and dependability. Ideal for more spacious bathrooms, widespread faucets are more spread apart and feature a 3-hole installation. The Naples 8-inch widespread bathroom faucet with brass pop-up and its featured sturdy brass construction and premium polished chrome finish are guaranteed to glamorize your home

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

KS3961NL Polished Chrome
KS3962NL Polished Brass
KS3965NL Oil Rubbed Bronze
KS3968NL Brushed Nickel


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Kingston Brass KS396NL Widespread Bathroom Faucets

Kingston Brass KS396NL Widespread Bathroom Faucets

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