WMA50 Welding Angle Magnet


Magnet Style
Arrow Style
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Details: WMA50 Welding Angle Magnet

Each of these preset angles attracts to any ferrous metal object and leaves hands free to safely work on the project. Ideal for fast setup and accurate holding for all welding jobs. Two models cover most common welding angles. Though not recommended for lifting applications, each model has a pull rating of 50 pounds.

Welding Angle Magnets

Part No.Pounds PullLengthWidthHeightWeight (lbs.)
Key:*=Not recommended for lifting.
Dimensions in Inches

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

WMA50 Arrow Style
WMH50 Protractor Style


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 WMA50 Welding Angle Magnet

WMA50 Welding Angle Magnet

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