CA42SA- 95 2-31/32" Small Twin-Wheel Casters - Stem, Brake

CA42SA- 95

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Details: CA42SA- 95 2-31/32" Small Twin-Wheel Casters - Stem, Brake

This plastic twin-wheel caster is perfect for those bulky, hard to move pieces of furniture. Comes with stem mount and brake. Caster swivels 360

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

CA42SA- 90
CA42SA- 92 Grey
CA42SA- 95 White


casters, twin-wheels, furniture-casters,


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 CA42SA- 95 2-31/32" Small Twin-Wheel Casters - Stem, Brake

CA42SA- 95 2-31/32" Small Twin-Wheel Casters - Stem, Brake

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