SS3-90 Stathis/Sherman Grommet Set


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Details: SS3-90 Stathis/Sherman Grommet Set

A design contest winner from our 1986 competition, this grommet has it all: Clean design, subtle elegance and functionality with a capital "F". The beauty of the S/S is that when countersunk into the desktop, it sits flush, and the wires seem to disappear into the work surface for a clean, uncluttered look that's in a class all its own.

For a flush-with-desktop installation:

1) Countersink a hole 2

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

SS3A-90 3", Black
SS3A-91 3", Walnut Brown
SS3A-92 3", Light Grey
SS3A-93 3", Putty
SS3A-95 White, 3"
SS3-90 2", Black
SS3-91 2", Walnut Brown
SS3-92 2", Light Grey
SS3-93 2", Putty
SS3-95 White, 2"


grommets-wire-management, mixed-plastic-grommets, flush-mount-grommets,


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 SS3-90 Stathis/Sherman Grommet Set

SS3-90 Stathis/Sherman Grommet Set

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