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Norton Door Controls

PRO9501-8L Rigid Arm - 1600BC, 1601, 7500, 8000, 9500


Parallel Rigid Arm w/Offset Soffit Plate, Hold Open, Left Hand (9500 Only)
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Item is normally in stock and ships out within 2-3 Business days (excluding transit time). If out of stock it can take up to 2-4 weeks (excluding transit time).Specific options may or may not increase shipping time. For any reason, if there is a delay in shipping time we will notify you. Feel free to contact us if you have any concerns.


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Details: PRO9501-8L Rigid Arm - 1600BC, 1601, 7500, 8000, 9500


  • Public Buildings & Facilities
  • Commercial & Industrial Buildings
  • Government & Military Facilities
  • Retail & Strip Malls
  • Multifamily & Mixed-Use

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

PR9501-5 Parallel Rigid Arm, Non-Hold Open (9500 Only)
PR9501-8R Parallel Rigid Arm, Friction Hold Open, Right Hand (9500 Only)
R7701-1 Regular Rigid Arm (7500, 8000 Only)
PR9501-8L Parallel Rigid Arm, Friction Hold Open, Left Hand (9500 Only)
PRO9501-5 Parallel Rigid Arm w/Offset Soffit Plate, Non-Hold Open (9500 Only)
PR7701-5 Parallel Rigid Arm, Non-Hold Open (1600BC, 1601, 7500, 8000)
PRO9501-8R Parallel Rigid Arm w/Offset Soffit Plate, Hold Open, Right Hand (9500 Only)
PR7701-8R Parallel Rigid Arm, Hold Open, Right Hand (1600BC, 1601, 7500, 8000)
PRO9501-8L Parallel Rigid Arm w/Offset Soffit Plate, Hold Open, Left Hand (9500 Only)
PR7701-8L Parallel Rigid Arm, Hold Open, Left Hand (1600BC, 1601, 7500, 8000)
PRO7701-5 Parallel Rigid Arm w/ Offset Soffit Plate, Non-Hold Open (7500, 8000 Only)
PRO7701-8R Parallel Rigid Arm w/ Offset Soffit Plate, Hold Open, Right Hand (7500, 8000 Only)
PRO7701-8L Parallel Rigid Arm w/ Offset Soffit Plate, Hold Open, Left Hand (7500, 8000 Only)
R9501-1 Regular Rigid Arm (9500 Only)


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 PRO9501-8L Rigid Arm - 1600BC, 1601, 7500, 8000, 9500

PRO9501-8L Rigid Arm - 1600BC, 1601, 7500, 8000, 9500