84423PC Vanity Wall Light Filigre Collection, 3.5W, Finish-Polished Chrome


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Details: 84423PC Vanity Wall Light Filigre Collection, 3.5W, Finish-Polished Chrome

If you are looking for a stylish vanity fitting for your bathroom or cloakroom the three light vanity from the Filigre collection is hard to beat. The clean lines and design would lend itself perfectly to any d

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

84425PC 5-Light
84423PC 3-Light
84424PC 4-Light


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 84423PC Vanity Wall Light Filigre Collection, 3.5W, Finish-Polished Chrome

84423PC Vanity Wall Light Filigre Collection, 3.5W, Finish-Polished Chrome

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