ALX-200-WH Allux Locking Mailbox


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Details: ALX-200-WH Allux Locking Mailbox


Allux 200 Wall mount mailbox is a rich and roomy, top-loading locking mailbox.  A top lid covers the 9-7/8" × 1-1/2" slot.  Steel construction with a durable powder coat finish.


(Customized vinyl text add $10.00 for first line, $5.00 for each additional line)

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

ALX-200-BK Flat Black, None
ALX-200-WH White, None
ALX-200-RD Red, None
ALX-200-GAL Galvanized, None
ALX-200-GY Gray, None


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 ALX-200-WH Allux Locking Mailbox

ALX-200-WH Allux Locking Mailbox

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