LSF-LS05-BLK Lettasafe Bloomsbury Rear Retrieval Mailbox


Flat Black
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Details: LSF-LS05-BLK Lettasafe Bloomsbury Rear Retrieval Mailbox


Mounted through a masonry wall or fence, mail is delivered through the front flap and retrieved from the rear lockable secure access door.  Mailbox is made from solid aluminum, is totally waterproof and has a quality black enamel finish. It features a large capacity secure mail storage area with lockable rear retrieval door which is supplied with 2 keys.  Rear access door opening: W 7" × H 7.5"  Incoming opening: W 9" × H 2.5"  Weight: 15 lbs.  Mailbox Color: Black

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

LSF-LS05-BLK Flat Black
LSF-LS05-BRZ Oxidized Satin Bronze


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 LSF-LS05-BLK Lettasafe Bloomsbury Rear Retrieval Mailbox

LSF-LS05-BLK Lettasafe Bloomsbury Rear Retrieval Mailbox

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