RCI 3590 3590ER-SLOC Lock N' Prox Accessories


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Details: RCI 3590 3590ER-SLOC Lock N' Prox Accessories

For use with RCI 3590 Lock N' Prox.

3590PX-FOB10 Prox Fob - 10 Pac

3590PX-CRD10 Prox Card - 10 Pac

3590GMK Glass Mounting Kit

3590ER-SLOC External Reader - Surface Mounted (with 1.5m cable length) for use when lock is not within read range specifications.

3590ER-RLOC External Reader - Recess Mounted (with 1.5m cable length) for use when lock is not within read range specifications. Reader Diameter is 12mm, and length is 40mm.

Available Model Numbers and Combinations



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RCI 3590 3590ER-SLOC Lock N' Prox Accessories

RCI 3590 3590ER-SLOC Lock N' Prox Accessories

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