Salsbury 227 Aluminum Parcel Locker

Item is normally in stock and ships out within 1-2 Business days (excluding transit time). If out of stock it can take up to 1-2 weeks (excluding transit time). Specific options may or may not increase shipping time. For any reason, if there is a delay in shipping time we will notify you. Feel free to contact us if you have any concerns.


Details: Salsbury 227 Aluminum Parcel Locker

Salsbury 2200 series parcel lockers offer tenants a convenient way

to receive packages on site and are fit with a two (2) key security

system' When the U'S'P'S' or an individual delivers a parcel to

the locker, a parcel locker key is placed in the recipient

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

2270U 1 Door, USPS Access
2272U USPS Access, 2 Door
2270P 1 Door, Private Access
2272P Private Access, 2 Door


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Salsbury 227 Aluminum Parcel Locker

Salsbury 227 Aluminum Parcel Locker