SDC E75 E75KLBE5C PTAG-25 Series Standalone Electronic Cylindrical Lockset


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Details: SDC E75 E75KLBE5C PTAG-25 Series Standalone Electronic Cylindrical Lockset

SDC battery powered electronic door locks and keyless entry system provide controlled access for basic and multi-level convenience requirements. Priced to compete with entry-level brands, SDC standalone locksets are loaded with features professionals expect with hardwired systems. Additionally, E70 series keypads comes standard with all of SDC's EntryCheck® features such as door sense/inhibit inputs industry professionals have become accustomed to from SDC keypads.

E75K, E75P and E75PS model standalone locksets are keypad or PC software programmable and combine multiple access technology with efficient motorized locksets. An optional passage mode feature comes standard.

E75KL and E75PL models feature a privacy function that locks the keypad by engaging the privacy button on the inside, and the red LED on the outside flashes to indicate room occupation. Turning the inside lever upon exiting deactivates the privacy function. In case of emergency, the privacy function can be overridden via key or master code. E75KL and E75PL modes are the perfect low-cost standalone solution for new or retrofitting of service stations, convenience stores, fast food or coffee house restroom facilities.


  • UL 10C Positive Pressure Fire Tests of Door Assemblies
  • ULC-S104 Standard Method for Fire Tests of Door Assemblies

E75 Standalone Electronic Keypad- Programming

EntryCheck® E75 Standalone Electronic Keypad Installation


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SDC E75 E75KLBE5C PTAG-25 Series Standalone Electronic Cylindrical Lockset

SDC E75 E75KLBE5C PTAG-25 Series Standalone Electronic Cylindrical Lockset

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