SDC IPD IPI-30 Series IP-Based Access Controller


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Details: SDC IPD IPI-30 Series IP-Based Access Controller

Bring safe, secure, easy to implement door access control to the Network's edge without the headaches of costlier, more complicated enterprise solutions. SDC IPPro® IPD series IPbased single door access controllers come with two ethernet ports for interfacing with an additional IP device. They allow expansion from one standalone door up to a 100-door "grid." The additional ethernet port allows IT departments to save a port when connecting an extra door at the server. Installers can eliminate a long cable run when connecting an additional IP device. Every IPPro® controller comes with secure, built-in software to manage up to 32 doors from any standard web browser to allow for real-time monitoring, user management and audit trail up to 5,000 events.


  • UL 294 Access Control System Units

IP Pro: Now with 2 port flexibility

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IP from SDC

IP Pro Presentation

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SDC IPD IPI-30 Series IP-Based Access Controller

SDC IPD IPI-30 Series IP-Based Access Controller

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