Telguard TG-7FS Commercial Primary/Backup Or Sole Path Fire Cellular Alarm Communicator View larger


TG-7FS-LTE-V Commercial Primary/Backup Or Sole Path Fire Cellular Alarm Communicator


Network Type
Verizon LTE Network
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Details: TG-7FS-LTE-V Commercial Primary/Backup Or Sole Path Fire Cellular Alarm Communicator

There's a reason AHJs know the TG-7FS by name. Our commercial fire alarm communicator is unrivaled and provides true drop-in replacement. Using LTE cellular networks, the TG-7FS transmits alarm signals from the fire panel to the designated monitoring station.

On average, cellular monitoring costs the end-user significantly less than dedicated landlines. Using the TG-7FS to replace landlines with cellular also means that, each month, your customers will pay you instead of the local telephone company

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

TG-7FS-LTE-V Verizon LTE Network


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 TG-7FS-LTE-V Commercial Primary/Backup Or Sole Path Fire Cellular Alarm Communicator

TG-7FS-LTE-V Commercial Primary/Backup Or Sole Path Fire Cellular Alarm Communicator

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