10RD433EH Wireless Tranmitter/Receiver


Receiver Module with Built-In Extended Hold
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Details: 10RD433EH Wireless Tranmitter/Receiver

BEA's 433 MHz Wireless Family includes digital receivers, handheld and push button transmitters.

  • Offers a means of activation of automatic doors for those with limited mobility or disabilities
  • Reduce installation time by eliminating the need to run wires from the push plate or use additional mounting hardware
  • Extended hold time receiver will hold door open for as long as button is pressed
  • Delay and no-delay learn modes provide either instant or delayed activation for sequencing doors

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

Model/SKU Attributes
10RD433 Receiver Module
10RD433EH Receiver Module with Built-In Extended Hold
10TD433HH1 Handheld 1-Button Transmitter
10TD433HH2 Handheld 2-Button Transmitter
10TD433HH3 Handheld 3-Button Transmitter
10TD433HH4 Handheld 4-Button Transmitter
10TD433PB3V 3-volt Wired Transmitter
10TD433PB9V 9-volt Wired Transmitter


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 10RD433EH Wireless Tranmitter/Receiver

10RD433EH Wireless Tranmitter/Receiver

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