RHS01 Magnetic Retrieving Baton


Magnet Options
Standard, 16" long
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Details: RHS01 Magnetic Retrieving Baton

Magnetic retrieving batons are innovative and powerful tools to pickup ferrous metal particles in wet or dry environments. With a non-corrosive, stainless steel housing, the baton comes in four models: the standard RHS01, the RHS02 with easy-grip handle and hang hook, or the extra long RHS03 and RH04 batons for hard-to-reach locations. Use of safety goggles and gloves is recommended.

  • Swarf collecting magnet
  • Ideal for removing hardware from storage bins
  • Clean water or degreasing tanks of metal shavings
  • Unique shape allows for easy pick up near walls and corners
  • Rare earth magnets provide maxmuim strength

Magnetic Retrieving Batons

Part No.LengthDiameterWeight(lbs)


Available Model Numbers and Combinations

RHS01 Standard, 16" long
RHS02 with release and easy-grip handle, 16" long
RHS03 with release and easy-grip handle, 39" long
RHS04 with release and easy-grip handle, 41" long


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 RHS01 Magnetic Retrieving Baton

RHS01 Magnetic Retrieving Baton

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