FLX1-92 2-3/8" Flex Grommets


Light Grey
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Details: FLX1-92 2-3/8" Flex Grommets

Soft rubber top with a star cut, making eight flexible rubber petals that meet in the center to allow cable pass-through.

A firm grip on the cabling will prevent wires and plugs from falling down through the desktop when not in use. Generous opening for use with multiple cables.

Cap and liner set integrated into one solid piece - simply cut a 2-3/8

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

FLX1-95 White
FLX1-92 Light Grey


grommets-wire-management, mixed-plastic-grommets,


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 FLX1-92 2-3/8" Flex Grommets

FLX1-92 2-3/8" Flex Grommets

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