Reduced price! Norton 7200 Electromechanical Closer View larger

Norton Door Controls

7220-RFS-5RH x120VAC x694 Electromechanical Door Closer

7220-RFS-5RH x120VAC x694

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Details: 7220-RFS-5RH x120VAC x694 Electromechanical Door Closer

The 7200 Series is a multi-point electromechanical closer/holder that provides flexibility to installers and facility managers. Shipped standard with selective hold open, the 7200 Series is designed to hold the door open at any point up to 180°. Available for push or pull side mounting, these units can be ordered with integral smoke detectors or remote wireless door releases. Specifications


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 7220-RFS-5RH x120VAC x694 Electromechanical Door Closer

7220-RFS-5RH x120VAC x694 Electromechanical Door Closer

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